United States – US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Monday that he did not Watch President Joe Biden in the debate last week. However, his policies since taking office have restored confidence in US leadership in the world within three and a half years.
Global Media’s Reaction to the Debate
After the debate, when worldwide media outlets were critical of Biden’s performance against Trump, Blinken, in a talk at the Brookings Institute, was asked to share what ‘friends and foes’ across the world should know about leadership of Biden in the US, as reported by Reuters.
Blinken boasted that citizens of the globe are observing what Biden has been doing since he became the president and that they embrace the measures he is taking.
“They’ve seen a president who’s reinvested America, reinvested America in the world, reinvested in these alliances, in these partnerships in ways that they seek and want,” Blinken said.
American Voter Sentiment
Most American citizens felt let down by both candidates after last Thursday’s 90-minute confrontation on CNN. Biden, the 81-year-old Democratic incumbent, speaking with a husky voice due to a cold, was inattentive at some moments, confused in some questions, and lost his thread of thought in others. Former President Republican Trump 78 echoed a number of appalling falsehoods that have been easily debunked, including asserting that he, in fact, won the 2020 election, but Biden did not challenge them.
Since Thursday, Blinken, who serves as the U. S. secretary of state, and a close associate of Biden, was questioned about the debate. He focused on Biden’s performance of the presidency.
“If you look at surveys around the world, for what they’re worth, you see it again and again and again, that confidence in American leadership has gone up dramatically over the last 3-1/2 years,” he said.
“That doesn’t just happen. … It’s the product of policies that we pursue, it’s the product of our engagement. And they see President Biden having led the way in all of those different areas, and in ways that are bringing people together and focused in the same way on the challenges that we have before us and that are common to so many other countries.”
Voters who favored Biden expected the debate to calm down the idea that he could not hold power another term, but it only fueled such thoughts. There are some who said that Biden should quit the race, as reported by Reuters.
Calls for Biden to Withdraw
Global Media reacted to Biden’s performance by lifting alarm bells. Newspaper Le Monde of France used a shipwreck analogy on Biden. Even the liberal British newspaper, the Daily Mirror, labeled his performance a “gaffe-strewn nightmare.” According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Trump dominated Biden, and the Democrats cannot triumph with Joe.
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