Teen Forced to Read Vile and Graphic Assignment (LISTEN)

Teen Forced to Read Vile and Graphic Assignment (LISTEN)
Teen Forced to Read Vile and Graphic Assignment (LISTEN)

United States: Teenagers have to approach their school boards about what they’re being forced to read in class since it appears that the literature curriculum at certain public schools has taken a sharp left turn and gone right off a cliff.

At a recent Wake County Board of Education meeting, a 15-year-old girl made a disturbing statement about what she claimed was required reading for an assignment in her English class at Athens Drive Magnet High School.

The material included explicit references to sexuality and depictions of incest.


The young woman began reading from the novel. She stated, “There was a part in this story that made me feel very uncomfortable. I looked around and saw the same expression on other students’ faces,” according to the reports.

The student continued reading aloud from a short story titled “Tomorrow Is Too Far” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It read:

“It was not the summer you fell in love with your cousin Dozie because that happened a few summers before, when you both wiggled into the tiny space behind Grandmama’s garage, and he tried to fit what you both called his banana into what you both called your tomato but neither of you was sure which was the right hole.”

The student noted that she and her classmates found the story uncomfortable, and it was unsettling even to read the material aloud in an attempt to draw attention to the issue.

To avoid being forced to read more explicit and upsetting content for a grade, the young teen claimed she was leaving the school barely three months after moving to the area and enrolling there.

“I should not have graphic, incestual, sexual content taught to me in my classes,” she stated. “I am deeply bothered and deeply disappointed. I have decided to leave Athens Drive High School because I should not have to deal with pornographic, incestual, sexual conduct taught to me in my classes,” as per certain reports.

This is why we must fight back and protect our kids!

What would you do if this were your child attending a school that’s promoting a curriculum that talks about incest?