First American Woman Dies in Swiss ‘Suicide Pod’ – Arrests Made!

First American Woman Dies in Swiss ‘Suicide Pod’ – Arrests Made! | Credits: AFP
First American Woman Dies in Swiss ‘Suicide Pod’ – Arrests Made! | Credits: AFP

United States: The 64-year-old woman from the Midwest, whose name was not disclosed, passed away in the suicide pod on Monday after being instructed by the machine to press a button if she wished to die.

So, she pressed the button.

Here’s how Exit International’s suicide pod works to kill its inhabitants:

“The 3D-printed chamber called a Sarco, short for ‘sarcophagus,’ floods its chamber with nitrogen gas, causing the user’s oxygen levels to plummet to deadly levels.

The process knocks out the individual, with death occurring within 10 minutes. The pod comes with an emergency exit button.”

Interestingly, this form of assisted suicide is illegal in Switzerland, resulting in the arrest of many involved.

Apparently, nobody is allowed to “aid” or “abet” in the suicide process, which is very confusing because you are allowed to administer suicide pills in the country.

Swiss Health Minister Elisabeth Baume-Schneider suggested on Monday that despite indications to the contrary, the Sarco pod would not gain legal status in the country.

“It does not fulfill the demands of the product safety law, and as such, must not be brought into circulation,’ she said, adding that “the corresponding use of nitrogen is not compatible with the article on purpose in the chemicals law.”

Still, this pod will undoubtedly be approved eventually, as it is located in the Netherlands, where Exit International is based.

According to the designers, the pod is designed like a travel capsule to take passengers to a new destination.

In our research to learn more about this woman’s story, we discovered the content is so horrifying that many social media platforms wouldn’t show it.

What are your thoughts on “suicide pods?”